
Hasturian Vigil Destroys Pretenders With a Riff Onslaught (Early Song Debut)

Killer, classic-style black metal from Ireland. Heavy on the metal and black as pitch.

Void's Uncanny Valley Black Metal Challenges Norms (New Song Debut)

International black metal unit Void both hearken back to a time of strangeness and also look to a weirder future on their new album.

"You Will Need Gods" To Weather Molarbear's Sludge Offensive (Early Album Stream)

The Belfast, Ireland based experimental sludge group release their sophomore album this Friday. Prepare for riffs and loud noises.

Soothsayer and Eugene Robinson Embrace Heaviness on "War of the Doves" (Video Debut)

The Irish sludge/doom metal band teams up with Oxbow vocalist Eugene Robinson for an exercise in atmospheric heaviness and riff worship.

Dreams of the Drowned Reveals Black Metal's Second Self (Early Track Stream)

Unveiling black metal’s hidden second self, Dreams of the Drowned’s many influences meld into a single, confounding being. Listen to “Je suis elle – Elle et Moi” ahead of a new EP’s Friday release.

Sojourner's "Premonitions" and the Use of the Word "Epic"

An overused word finds its old footing on Sojourner’s upcoming record.

Gravefields Practice "Psychoactive Rites"

Stream the opening track from the Irish blackened death metal outfit’s upcoming “Embrace the Void” full-length.

To Find The Emerald: Uncovering Metal in Ireland

The Irish metal scene, ignored by the country’ own media

Premiere: Malthusian — "MMXIII"

Population curvature catastrophy
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