
New Melechesh music!

And new terrible artwork

Metal vs. volcano

Nature can be a real pain in the ass

I'm just a (brutal death metal) girl

Sugar and spice and everything not-so-nice

The 11th Hour - Burden of Grief

Ed Warby becomes Doctor Doom

Defend the indefensible: Symphonic black metal

by Cosmo Lee Actually, a black metal “ghastly saga of naval terror and elemental fright” (according to the band’s PR) might be interesting. What if Leviathan redid Leviathan? That promo image suggests J. Crew gone black metal. After all, we already have black metal skinny jeans. Carach Angren – The Carriage Wheel Murder Symphonic black […]

Jerry Bruckheimer metal #1: Epica, Forest Stream, Katatonia

Pictured: L.A. Guns Despite its title, this new column isn’t a complete dis. Yes, “Jerry Bruckheimer metal” is slick and over-produced. I dislike the vast majority of it. But I like a little of it. Bad Boys II comes to mind. It’s the most over-the-top movie I’ve ever seen. Actually, it’s not a movie so […]

Upcoming metal releases: November 2009

Noooooooooo Here’s an experiment. Take a look at the upcoming metal releases for November 2009. In the comments box, indicate two you would like me to review. I will review the one with the most votes (unless I am reviewing it elsewhere — so Fatalist, Slayer, and Witchmaster are out — in which case I […]
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