
Nails - Obscene Humanity

This quote by Black Flag drummer Bill Stevenson from We Owe You Nothing (Punk Planet: The Collected Interviews) has stuck with me: We also had a very confrontational stage vibe. I’m not saying we brought [violence] upon ourselves, it just wasn’t an inviting setting. There was a wall up and we were trying to play […]

Sunrise - Cursed Not Alone

SleepwalkersNightmare Lifeline2006 Alienacja’s Blades Shall Speak had some of the fiercest deathcore I’ve ever heard, so I had to find out more about its label. Evidently, Lifeline Records put out its first six releases at once last March. Not only that, each CD came in a beautiful three-panel digipak, with gorgeous, full-color booklets and top-spine […]

Auditory Hallucinations on Plague Organ's "Orphan"

Hallucinatory, hypnotic, minimal black metal from a colorful hell.

Psychonaut Futurism On PH's "Osiris Hayden"

The Finnish psychedelic astronauts find a new center on new album “Osiris Hayden.” Listen to an exclusive stream of the full album.

Five Spooky Albums For Your Halloween

Creepy music for a spooky day.

Help out Tidal Wave fest

The most random festival lineup ever

Bone Sickness - Alone in the Grave

Brimming with malignant life
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