
Auditory Hallucinations on Plague Organ's "Orphan"

Plague Organ is hypnotic, like rocking back and forth staring at a blank spot on a wall. A coping mechanism for the horrors which are truly happening all around. This band’s debut, Orphan, takes black metal and distills it to a primal, raging sound — a droning, blasting miasma of sounds and auditory hallucinations. Featuring Rene Aquarius of Dead Neanderthals on percussion, it’s the drumming which creates a sort of anti-center — something to grasp onto in a fleeting moment before it, too, drops away. Playing a constant blast beat for just shy of 40 minutes, Aquarius keeps this otherwise experimental, bizarre album grounded. There are sounds you hear, or think you hear, lost in the pale. In reality, not a lot happens in this album — droning guitar, gruff vocals, blast beats, and samples — but the way they come together is peculiar. Plague Organ hints at sounds, things which almost happen, and it creates this great tension which never truly lets go, even after Orphan ends. It never truly lets go. Listen to an exclusive stream of Orphan in full below.

Orphan releases August 28th on Sentient Ruin Laboratories.

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