
Hell's Headbash Pt. 4: Total Metal

Be ready to get your hands dirty

Hell's Headbangers Records Update

A new comp with tracks by Impiety, Profanatica, Midnight & more, Deiphago tour dates…

Hells Bells It's Christmas

Speaking of Anaal Nathrakh, Mick Kenney and Dave Hunt are also in filth grind outfit Mistress. Kenney and Mistress bassist Dirty Von Donovan are in rocka rolla band Exploder. Napalm Death’s Shane Embury played on the last Anaal Nathrakh album. Embury and Kenney run Feto Records, who put out Exploder’s debut. Kenney does artwork for […]

Jawbox on Cello - A Benefit for Cal Robbins

Speaking of Dischord, Gordon Withers has put out an all-cello tribute to Jawbox. The record is a benefit for Callum Robbins, son of J. Robbins, frontman for Jawbox, Burning Airlines, and Channels. Cal was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which affects the brain’s ability to communicate with muscles. He cannot stand, crawl, or sit without […]

Hell - "Victus" (Song Premiere)

Doom that pummels from two angles at once

Urgehal + Spearhead = hell yes

UrgehalPhoto by Jess Tonight Urgehal and Spearhead begin a US tour. (See dates below.) This is a big deal, as both bands rarely play the States. I have a soft spot for Urgehal‘s Goatcraft Torment (Agonia, 2006), as it was the fifth album I reviewed for this site. The album itself has no soft spots. […]

Friends of Hell Honor Their Doomed Origins on "Friends of Hell" (Early Track Stream + Interview)

Friends of Hell’s (ex-Reverend Bizarre, ex-Electric Wizard) self-titled track on their self-titled debut summons all their unholy riff-finding might.
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