Joseph Schafer


Abbath - Abbath

So long Blashyrkh and thanks for nothing

Villainy - Villainy II: Dim (Premiere)

The rocktimist invasion of black metal continues

Wildernessking - "I Will Go To Your Tomb" (Premiere)

Progressive black metal South African style

The NWOAHM Debut Albums - A Definitive Ranking

Even bad movements have promising beginnings. Sometimes.

The Problem with Living in Metalville

Living in a city with a thriving local metal community has its downside

Interview - Adam Zaars & Jonathan Hultén (Tribulation)

Making death metal more graceful since 2005

Eight Bells - "Hold My Breath" (Premiere)

The Portland power trio’s new, progressive darkness

Top Albums of 2015, by Joseph Schafer

The editor’s top albums of 2015, and closing thoughts for the year
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