March 20, 2009

Converge makes the world go 'round,t=1,mt=video Converge just posted a live-in-the-studio teaser to their upcoming record. The headline says, “New album out soon on Epitaph/Deathwish.” It’s unclear how “soon” that is, as I haven’t been able to find an album title or release date. Normally I am impervious to pre-release hype. But I am sitting here in a coffeeshop, drowning...

The Antichrist Flying V . . . Behold the Antichrist Flying V. According to luthier Dylan Humphries, “This guitar is my attempt to make the most metal guitar so far in the history of mankind.” He may have succeeded. The axe has centuries-old woodcut visuals depicting all sorts of religious mischief. In the video above, Humphries calls the...