editors choice

Editor's Choice #2: Two Musical Chameleons

Ted and Jon dig into two musical curiosities: Elder and Beyond Dawn, chameleons whose sound adapted to their changing creativity over time.

Editors' Choice #1: The Future of Our History

Invisible Oranges Co-Editors in Chief Andrew Rothmund and Jon Rosenthal dive into their pasts to seek the source of the raging metal river which flows furiously through their veins.

Editors' Choice: Into The Infinity Pool

Speculations about the future of music consumption featuring songs from Sanctioned, svrm, Downward and more

Editors' Choice: Festival Season

As streaming is to recorded music, festivals are to live performance. Featuring tracks from Night Verses, The Angelic Process, and Beneath The Massacre

Editors' Choice: Stream Bloody Gore

Thoughts on Spotify’s power & responsibility along with tracks from Ancestors, Erraunt, and Mare Cognitum

Editors' Choice: Ego Death

On the decline of the “genius” and select tracks from Blood Sacrifice, Yazan, LLNN, and more

Editor's Choice: Do You See What I See?

How much benefit of the doubt should we give questionable art? Plus, songs from Archspire, Cleric, Axis, and more.

Editor's Choice: The Evil That Men Do

Power rots. Plus selections from Hällas, Converge, Grit Teeth, and Celtic Frost
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