diabolic oath

Upcoming Metal Releases: 3/31/2024 - 4/6/2024

Here are all the new releases for March 31st through April 6th—Spin (or skip) new music from Korpiklaani, Austere, Witch Vomit, and more.

Diabolic Oath Conjure Dire Visions on "Serpent Coils Suffocating the Mortal Wound" (Early Track Stream)

The mysterious Portland black/death metal group both confound and enchant on their upcoming album “Oracular Hexations” — dive into the madness with a new single.

Word of the Day: "Aischrolatreia," Brought to You by Diabolic Oath's Depraved Black/Death (Early EP Stream)

The Portland black/death metal group returns with an mLP fit for only the darkest and dirtiest days — or, late summer weather. Your choice!