
Roadburn 2023: A Definitive Look Back (Festival Review + Photos)

Everything you need to know about this year’s Roadburn: notable surprises, expected triumphs, and how the festival has changed. Plus, check out tons of photos.

Haavard Creates Mesmerizing Instrumental Folk Tunes On His Debut Solo Album (Interview)

Former Ulver and Satyricon guitarist Håvard “Haavard” Jørgensen released his debut full-length album last November — Kelley Simms talked with this musician about his return to the “Kveldssanger” sound (with a modern twist).

Smoulder Cast a New Enchantment with "Spellforger" (Early Track Stream + Interview)

The latest single from the Canadian heavy/doom band’s new album “Violent Creed of Vengeance” will give you your sword and sorcery fix. Plus, read an in-depth interview with the band.

Interview: David DiSanto (Vektor)

Revenge of the Nerd-metal

Interview: Doro

Yes, that Doro

7 Days of SXSW

March madness

FEN on Finding Meaning in the Temporary and Post Black Metal (Interview)

FEN’s key composer, guitarist, and vocalist The Watcher spoke with us about anger’s purpose in the group’s music, aging in the black metal scene, and how we build objects to give our lives meaning only to watch them crumble.

Interview: Phil Anselmo

A new level of confidence

Of Wolf and The Past: Ulver Reflects on 20 Years of "Nattens Madrigal"

Twenty years later Ulver tell the full story about the end of their black metal trilogy
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