Left Hand Path #011

Grave in the Sky

Left Hand Path #011 is up. This installment of Stylus’ metal column is massive, featuring 38 album reviews and an interview with Chris Bruni of Profound Lore Records, easily the metal label of the year with top-notch releases by Alcest, Caina, Cobalt, Portal, Pulsefear, The Angelic Process, The Howling Wind, WOLD, and more. Bands reviewed in the column include Coalesce, Crimson Moon, Helloween, High on Fire, Nominon, Rosetta, Skeletonwitch, Sodom, Souvenir’s Young America, Unearthly Trance, Yakuza, and many more.

My picks of the bunch include Colorado black metallers Cobalt, Israeli digital doom outfit Grave in the Sky, Polish old-school blackened death metallers Throneum, and oddball grinders Total Fucking Destruction, featuring Rich Hoak of Brutal Truth.

Cobalt – Blood Eagle Sacrifice
Grave in the Sky – Donnie Darko
Throneum – Exhibition of Abomination
Total Fucking Destruction – Warfinger