Ted Nubel


Postvorta Airs Lengthy Grievances on "Vasa Praevia Dispassion"

Italian post-metal ensemble Postvorta unleash a bellicose track from their upcoming-full length “Porrima” — stream it here now.

Home of the Heavy: Five Chicago Bands Propelling the Windy City's Dark Sails

Here’s a special select handful of the many Chicago metal bands charging forth into the national scene; from blackened grindy goodness to post-metal transcendence, The Windy City achieves it all.

Doomed to the Underground: Three Underheard Behemoths Released in 2019

Death metal may have taken the cake last year, but doom was the tedious labor that went into baking it. Here are three monster doom albums you may have missed during a frenzied year of releases.
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