Colin Dempsey


Pyrrhic Salvation Draw From Death Metal's Widespread Legacy On "Manifestum I" (Early EP Stream)

The internet-based technical death metal group is set to release their EP this Friday, which shows off their varied style. Stream it here.

Mamorlis' Gallant Heavy Metal Pays Tribute to Redwall on "Salamandastron" (Early Track Stream)

The Portland heavy metal outfit’s sophomore full-length throws caution to the wind as it indulges in epic sensibilities and cutthroat riffs—stream an early track named after a Brian Jacques novel here.

Kluizenaer Wield Surreal Intensity on "Verewigung" (Early Track Stream)

Stream an early atmosphere-heavy track from the mysterious German black metal trio’s upcoming album “Ein Abbild Der Leere” now.

Wilderun Demonstrate Their Singular Audacity On "Epigone" (Review)

The progressive metal band delivers a masterful, genre-twisting adventure on their latest album. Read our full review.

Piercing the Veil #8: Devil's Reef Plunges into Lovecraftian Abysses

Maryland-based Devil’s Reef discuss their inspirations and approach to death metal, which renders cosmic horror via digestible, riff-packed experimentation.

Seven Nines and Tens' Vivid Post-Metal Is "Throwing Rocks at Mediocrity" (Early Track Stream)

The Vancouver post-metal/rock outfit isn’t one to shy away from descriptive titles and evocative music—check out a new single from the upcoming album “Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers.”

Colin Dempsey's Top Albums of 2021

Continuing our series of year end lists is Colin Dempsey, whose eclectic list cites varying ends of the musical spectrum.

Witchpit Pay "The Blackened Fee" For Hell-Tinged Sludge Metal (Video Premiere)

Witchpit’s sludge bridles with stoner rock’s big riff energy and grimy misanthropy alike—check out a video for “The Blackened Fee” here, from their upcoming album “The Weight of Death.”

"III" Is a Fragment of Somnolent's Hellish Dream (Early Track Stream)

Stream a portion of the Philadelphia black/death/industrial duo’s new album here: utterly chaotic extreme metal melded with lurking ambient horrorscapes.
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