Upcoming Metal Releases

New Metal Releases: 9/10/2023-9/16/2023

Here are the new (and recent) metal releases for September 10th through September 16th. Releases reflect proposed North American scheduling, if available. Expect to see most of these albums on shelves or distros on Fridays.

See something we missed or have any thoughts? Let us know in the comments. Plus, as always, feel free to post your own shopping lists. Happy digging.

Send us your promos (streaming links preferred) to: [email protected]. Do not send us promo material via social media.

Upcoming Releases

Blood IncantationLuminescent Bridge | Century Media Records | Death Metal + Ambient | United States (Denver, CO)

This new maxi-single gives us a death metal track on side A, backed with an instrumental ambient piece. Remember, if you don’t listen to both halves, you are certifiably not cosmic.

–Ted Nubel

Tomb MoldThe Enduring Spirit | 20 Buck Spin | Death Metal | Canada (Toronto, ON)

Surprise-announced earlier this week and digitally dropping today, The Enduring Spirit is a bold step forward from the Canadian death metal group. Dreamlike progressive elements play a big role here, but so does riff-packed death metal. It’s a strange combination, but a fun one.

–Ted Nubel

BaronessStone | Abraxan Hymns | Progressive Sludge + Rock | United States (Savannah, GA)

From Tom Campagna’s interview:

[Stone is] much more simplistic by design when compared to the grandiosity of its predecessor. Recorded in a country home in the middle of Pennsylvania during Covid isolation, this record is the sum of its million little pieces, whether that be stick clicks, birds chirping or even the squeak of a stool, it all made its way to this sixth record as part of their lexicon.

BrujeriaEsto Es Brujeria | Nuclear Blast | Death Metal + Grindcore | Mexico

Mexican metal staples Brujeria are back with another record. It’s their signature blend of pissed off aggression and catchy metal riffing, and we’re glad they’re still at it—and seemingly getting better with age.

–Addison Herron-Wheeler

FlesherTales of Grotesque Demise | Redefining Darkness Records | Death Metal | United States (Indianapolis, IN)

From Ted Nubel’s track premiere of “The Gates”:

Hailing from the perilous plains of Indiana, the band’s death metal leans heavily into annihilating groove; it’s old-school death metal intentionally shaped and disfigured into a grisly vessel for horror-obsessed riffs. Speaking of riffs, Flesher’s approach to riffs has more in common with the belligerent pounding of war drums, or, perhaps, a meat tenderizer, than anything melodic […]

FabricantDrudge to the Thicket | Profound Lore Records | Technical Death Metal | United States (California)

Fabricant don’t play death metal, it’s just that the music that exudes out from them–the ornate riffing, the vigorous tempo changes, and the blatant desire to rub up against song structures but never commit to them–just happens to be death metal. Their debut albums plays like it was a meticulously planned experiment that took 13 years to complete, which isn’t too far from the truth.

–Colin Dempsey

Oblivion CastleWitch’s Lament in the Moonlight | V.C.H. Music | Black Metal | Mexico

I’ve lost count of how many albums V.C.H. has released since 2020, but her high batting average continues with Witch’s Lament in the Moonlight. Oblivion Castle’s preceding EP Sorcière was one last year’s best, and while Witch’s Lament in the Moonlight moves away from the project’s organ-led black metal roots, it’s a much stronger total package.

–Colin Dempsey

Tumultuous RuinAn Abscess on the Heart of the State | Fiadh Prod | Raw Black Metal | United States (California)

This one-man raw black metal project is surprisingly large. Don’t be mistaken, it’s still as fuzzy and desolate as politically-charged metal of this style should be, but it’s more intentional. Every element floods the mix without pushing the speed limit, meaning An Abscess on the Heart of the State sounds larger than it appears.

–Colin Dempsey

Violent Life Violent DeathBreak.Burn.End. | Innerstrength Records | Metallic Hardcore | United States (North Carolina)

Violent Life Violent Death’s debut album is a chunk of old-school metallic hardcore, congealing the same scorched earth approach as Ringworm or Integrity with acidic vocals. It’s as outwardly spiteful and chock-full of riffs as music such as this should be.

–Colin Dempsey

Tar PondPetrol | Prophecy Productions | Doom Metal | Switzerland

It’s a measure of a band’s mettle when their riffs can pierce your heart rather than your sympathetic nervous system. Tar Pond’s second album is constructed around such riffs. Rather than excite, they drag you down into your feelings.

–Colin Dempsey

ThornEvergloom | Transcending Obscurity Records | Death + Doom Metal | United States (Phoenix, AZ)

There’s a sweltering psychedelic sheen to Evergloom, adding a radiant tint to its viscous (no, not a typo) mix of death and doom metal. For a death/doom band, I should note that Thorn moves pretty fast – this is their first release in 2023 following a full-length and two splits in 2022, and it shows off an elevated, bizarre new side of the band.

–Ted Nubel

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