Pulling Teeth - Paranoid Delusions / Paradise Illusions

Fans have a hard time handling change. They take it as a personal affront when a group that, for instance, once reveled in uniform hardcore adulterates new material with questionable elements. Such has been the case with Pulling Teeth‘s Paranoid Delusions/Paradise Illusions (Deathwish, Inc., 2009).

Paradise Illusions (excerpt)

Though these Baltimore old-timers continue the Integrity-meets-Scandinavian thrash that dominated previous releases, D-beat constitutes a small parcel of space on this EP. Most of the record houses heavier, more sinister material. Pulling Teeth have effectively renovated their sound and constructed one of the more intriguing new releases in hardcore. Paranoid Delusions/Paradise Illusions boasts insightful lyrics (with lines like “When the wolf cries for war the hounds follow suit/ Like sheep to the slaughter, a neck for every noose”), improved songwriting with increased use of dynamics, tighter playing, fantastic production, and an Evel Knievel-like spirit to risk its neck by incorporating atypical elements.

The emphasis is on variety. Songs swirl with layers of guitars and odd sounds. The nine and a half minute “Paranoid Illusions” demonstrates how far Pulling Teeth have come and hints at the artistic distances they are willing to go. Half the song features quietly sung vocals, synthesizers, and ambient outdoor samples, while the other half heaves with Sleep-sized riffs and spastic Tony Iommi-inspired solo blitzes. Though the shortsighted fan will need Pepto-Bismol to stomach such unexpected twists, let’s hope the band continues its journey into uncharted territory.

– Casey Boland

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