September 15, 2009

Metal Mixtape: Morbidly Slow Angel

Morbid Angel Photo by Mark Coatsworth Speaking of slow death metal — Morbid Angel were Southern sludge before the term was invented. I have always liked their murky, half-speed trudges the best. For me, Morbid Angel’s faster moments rarely translate well on record. This is partly due to a wide range of terrible production. Also,...

New tracks from Krallice, Impetuous Ritual

Profound Lore has two upcoming releases worth checking out. The first is Dimensional Bleedthrough, out November 10 from Krallice. Thanks to a formidable live reputation, the band’s profile has jumped. It often gets tagged as black metal, but evidently it does not really consider itself as such. I’d agree. While its mechanics (blastbeats, tremolo picking,...