Who wants to take Ludicra on the road?

by Cosmo Lee

Evidently the Mayhem tour with Ludicra, Krallice, and Tombs has been cancelled. The reason so far is unknown. Ludicra are moving forward — you can’t arrange a month off from work and not do anything with it — and seeking to tour in April anyway.

Personally, I’d love to see the original grouping of Ludicra, Krallice, and Tombs. (I’ve been on a major Tombs kick lately.) But the whole point of the Mayhem tour (other than seeing Mayhem) would have been to expose these bands to new audiences.

Would any big(gish) band want to take some or all of these bands on the road in April? Do you know people or people who know people? If so, have them contact the bands at their respective MySpaces.

