True Norwegian black denim

Are skinny jeans black metal? Personally, I don’t think so. If you put your foot on a monitor, flared pants look better than tapered ones. But Norwegian design house Anti disagrees. It has a new fashion brand called Anti Sweden — shades of the ’90s Norwegian black metallers vs. Swedish death metallers beef — which features “True Norwegian black denim.”

Two ad copy quotes:

Anti Sweden is Black Metal going fashion

We are aiming to once again take rebellion back to black jeans!

The skinny jeans in question are the Justin Bartlett 666 jeans (shown above). Bartlett is one of today’s hottest purveyors of metal artwork (see interviews here and here). The jeans feature Bartlett’s illustrations on the inside pockets — see here. They sell for 999 kroner, currently equivalent to $171.92. Kapitalismus ist Krieg!

Bartlett also made the “Claws” design adorning Runhild Gammelsæter’s (Thorr’s Hammer, Khlyst) chest above. Finnish artist Minni Havas did the illustration. Anti Sweden is selling it as a full color print, 1000 x 666 mm (natch), signed by Gammelsæter, limited to 100 copies. The first 20 who buy the Claws tank top get the poster for free. It’s perhaps the most expensive tank top ever: 550 kroner, currently equivalent to $94.65. Kapitalismus ist Krieg!

Anti Design
Anti Sweden
Justin Bartlett

Note: The Anti Sweden site is pretty but super-Flashed-out and can take a while to load. In my experience, it works better with Internet Explorer than Mozilla Firefox.

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