
The right music to the right people

When Hydra Head announced that they were releasing a two-song demo by Xasthur from 2005, my initial reaction was “facepalm.jpg.” How pointless would it be to take two leftovers from the Subliminal Genocide sessions, and invest time and money into manufacturing a paper-and-plastic product and turning the gears of commerce? Perhaps Black Metal ist Krieg against the environment.

But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. When I tweeted about this release, someone replied that it was a “blatant cash grab” — which is exactly the point of a business. It’s like complaining that professional athletes get paid too much. If someone is willing to pay them big bucks to bring in bigger bucks, then no one loses. Everyone associated, from management on down to fan, is complict in the arrangement.

So it is with this seemingly pointless release. The point is getting the right music to the right people at the right price. To punctuate this, Chronic Youth is running a contest giveaway here for vinyl and CD’s of the demo. All one has to do is write in to say how miserable one is. See what I mean about the right music to the right people?

Now, I’m actually a fan of Xasthur. The dude is a harmonic genius, and he’s that rare musician who’s sonically unique. (You can stream the demo here.) But, yes, his music is kind of a [cash register noise] bummer [/cash register noise].

— Cosmo Lee