Spiritus Mortis 193

Spiritus Mortis - "Babalon Working" (Song Premiere)

Spiritus Mortis 193

With the upcoming release of The Year is One, Finland’s Spiritus Mortis will complete the (un)holy trinity of great Scandinavian epic doom albums this year, following stellar albums by Goatess and Lord Vicar.

Lord Vicar in particular is of interest to those enamored with morbid lyrics set to slow-but-determined melodies. Kimi Karki, the guitarist in that band, performed as Pete Vicar in the under-appreciated band Reverend Bizarre alongside Singer Sami “Albert Witchfinder” Hynninen, who sings in Spiritus Mortis.

Much modern doom leaves me cold. I dislike the protracted nature of most funeral doom, and the aimlessness of a lot of American variants, Spiritus Mortis never lose the plot. “Babalon Working” is seven minutes long, but by doom standards that’s pretty darn tight. People like me who can’t get enough of Crypt Sermon, or the post-Gates of Slumber project The Wretch, need to hop on this train.

The Year is One is out on November 11 via Svart Records.

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