Seraphim Slaughter - Scum Terror

Seraphim Slaughter (not to be confused with the Canadian band of the same name) was “founded on the most Satanic holiday of the year, Groundhog’s Day [sic], in 2002.” The band hails from New Jersey, presumably the most Satanic state in America. Its debut, Scum Terror, is out on its own AIDS Needle Records, which should give an idea of its sensibilities (the artwork says, “Fun Songs about Murder, AIDS, Sex, Rape, Terror, Alcohol, Satan”).

Stabbed with an AIDS Needle
To Cataclysmic Path

Black metal, crusty punk, and lo-fi thrash desperately race around like sperm in a used condom on a sidewalk. Creepo’s raspy vocals are appealingly abrasive, and the production is appropriately raw. Ride cymbals, in particular, cut through the buzzsaw guitars effectively.

Later Darkthrone comes to mind, as does early Bathory. Like S.O.D., the band’s cited influence, the content is politically incorrect and juvenile. Basically, it’s offensive to all. At times, it’s funny, as in “I’m the Unholy Motherfucking Master.” At others, it’s pointless, as in “Armageddon Rape Rampage.” Such toilet grade humor is a shame, as jams like “Cervix Ripping Sex” are otherwise, um, slamming. I suppose that if GG Allin or Anal Cunt can get props, the sky’s (or whatever is the opposite of the sky) the limit for filth.

This record may not have much to say lyrically, but musically it’s one big ball of F.U. I’m digging this. You can find it at Amazon, the band’s website, or digitally from the band’s MySpace.