
Sanguis Imperem - "The Scourge of Men" (video)

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File under “great music, terrible video”. But unlike Autopsy’s “My Corpse Shall Rise”, this video is actually enjoyable to watch. When I saw it, I first thought, “Wow, the band got a big budget”. A few seconds later, that changed to, “Wow, their CGI is pretty good”. That quickly changed to, “Hey, wait a minute – this entire video is stolen from some movie”.

That’s just wrong.

(What movie is it? I bet it’s some super-famous sword-and-sandals epic. My film knowledge is inadequate. Whatever movie this is, its cinematography is excellent, and its animal budget was evidently sizeable. I’d like to see the real thing sometime.)

The band’s name is Sanguis Imperem. They’re from California, and they give American death metal a good name. Later this year (tentatively July), they’ll put out their debut album, In Glory We March Towards Our Doom, on Hells Headbangers and Invictus Productions. Let’s hope video #2 will involve non-found footage.

— Cosmo Lee

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Sanguis Imperem page at Hells Headbangers

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