Riffage: Danzig - "Dirty Black Summer"

John Christ

One of my favorite riffs of all time comes from Danzig’s “Dirty Black Summer,” off 1992’s Danzig III: How the Gods Kill. Danzig wrote the song, but credit goes to John Christ for playing it in, um, godlike fashion. It is quite simple, in standard tuning (hallelujah!). To get the full effect, do a pick squeal on the last note (G string, 5th fret), with a slide back up to the first note (A string, 7th fret). (You can see Christ do the slide in the rather awful video.) That D string 4th fret note is also ripe for vibrato. Details like these add “grease” and “soul.” Where did Christ go, anyway??? (“He is risen” is not an answer.) And can anyone point me to a free online tab generator?

– Cosmo Lee

Danzig – Dirty Black Summer