People are weird, pt. 5

Doodled by J3ff T.

I’ve concluded that the Internet makes one stupid. Metal forums make my brain spring leaks. Metal news sites assault my intelligence. Metal reviews are seemingly written by monkeys with typewriters and hammers. Is spell-checking or refraining from personal attacks so difficult? And metal’s not the worst culprit. Political blogs – ugh.

Luckily, my site logs are good for bitter laughs. I am constantly annoyed, amused, and baffled by what people search for to get here. These are the latest classics. Humanity truly is doomed.

  1. will oranges in a sock leave bruises
  2. alien looking babies with a eye popping out pictures
  3. cindy wilson (the b-52’s) weeping
  4. women becomes invisible while pantyhose remains
  5. how to invisible
  6. metal bands that are still together
  7. what do metalheads do
  8. jake bannon thinks he’s jacob from the bible
  9. Go back to the cave where the rocks echo, and Nigel gets a vision of the battle helm. Can’t make out what the voice in the vision is saying though
  10. having sex with erik rutan