
7492 Results for "heaven"

We "Can't Deny Destiny" With Freeways' Exuberant Heavy Metal (Video Premiere)

Uniting heavy metal and hard rock into a joyful, passionate road trip, the Canadian freewheelers are back with a new record slated for April. Check out a new video here.

Haxen - 'Haxen' (Album Premiere)

Raw black metal that is more than muck and drum fills

Hands of Goro Claw Their Way to the Edge of Heavy Metal On Self-Titled Debut (Early Album Stream)

Featuring members of Slough Feg, Spirit Adrift, and Nite, Hands of Goro’s metal chops are unquestionable. But if you do have questions, we have an interview — plus an album stream.

Haken - "1985"

Delightfully cheesy 80’s fetishism

"Even the Demons" Fear Craven Idol's Black Thrashing Might (Early Track Stream + Interview)

Check out a track from the atavistic English black/thrashers’ upcoming third album, as well as an interview with guitarist/vocalist Sadistik Wrath.

Experimental Atmospherics: Black to Comm's "Seven Horses for Seven Kings"

We unveil “Seven Horses for Seven Kings,” the enigmatic new album by Black to Comm mastermind Marc Richter, and chat with him about the highly experimental new work.

Raven and Riot Act Bring Timeless Heavy Metal To Tacoma (Live Report, 10/6/2022)

Raven is currently touring for the 40th anniversary of their classic album “Wiped Out.” We caught them and Riot Act (ex-Riot members) laying waste in Washington state.

RIP Paul Raven

Paul Raven16.01.61 – 20.10.07 Paul Raven provided the low end for literally years of my life. His discography is mammoth – Killing Joke in their prime, the short but sweet Murder, Inc. (I probably heard him somewhere in Pigface’s muck as well), Prong’s Cleansing and Rude Awakening (he and Ted Parsons were such a mighty […]
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