
101 Results for "talking after midnight"

Top Albums of 2015, by Avinash Mittur

Avinash is Californian, as this list will prove

I'm Listening to Death Metal #11: Cannibal Corpse and the Impossible Burden of Legacy

Langdon unfolds the complex tapestry of Cannibal Corpse’s music and history, a genre-defining legend of a band not without its own surges and tribulations.

Top Albums of 2016, by Greg Majewski

Top metal albums from 2016, plus one not-metal album and one we missed from 2015

Jersey's Best (If Sometimes Cringey) Thrashers: Five Crucial Overkill Albums

With their twentieth album on the horizon (“Scorched”), we took a look at the thrash band’s lengthy discography and selected five critical picks.
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