MP3 albums for less than $5 @ Metalhit

Metalhit is now offering MP3 albums for less than $5 each.

According to owner Mike Riddick,

“Because of your article on Metalhit, and suggestions, I changed our album price point to $4.99 (instead of $5.25). Thanks to Invisible Oranges!”

He’s referring to this post on pricing for MP3 albums. (See, particularly, the comments).

$4.99 is a price I can get with. I browsed around and picked up the debut from Repulsive Dissection and the Tribute to Thergothon compilation (which would have cost $17.98 on Amazon). Both are available illegally, but I didn’t feel like dealing with rapidshare wait times. Plus, it’s good to, you know, acquire music legally.

Actually, I could have gotten Repulsive Dissection for under $2 from Metalhit’s store within Amie Street. (See post on Amie Street here.) It’s the Wild West right now for MP3 pricing, but I hope that larger labels will get with the times and realize that low is the way to go.

Here’s another way to look at it. is by far the leading MP3 store in electronic dance music. I’m talking zillions of downloads, international presence (complete with localized pricing in terms of currency), the whole deal.

The site mostly sells music by the track. In dance music, a track has about the same value as a non-dance music album. A typical dance 12″ back in the day cost $10, and you got two or three tracks. Now Beatport sells individual tracks for $1.50 to $2 each, and people can’t get enough of them. It’s like crack — and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. I spent $10 for two albums at Metalhit. If they had been priced at $10 each, I would have spent $0.

— Cosmo Lee

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