Metal Price Watch

Here is a cool idea: Metal Price Watch, a site that compares prices across distros (41 currently). Enter, say, Amon Amarth’s The Avenger into the search fields, and you get a listing of distros that carry it, along with their prices. There is also a small used album section. Right now the site is basically unusable, as it does not account for shipping costs, which can make or break a transaction. (eBay, by comparison, has this functionality.) Additionally, it does not list the locations of distros, a vital shipping detail. Finally, it lacks some key distros, like All That Is Heavy, FMP, Hells Headbangers, and Moribund Cult. However, the site promises to fix the first two problems, as well as add new distros. Market-wide price transparency can only help consumers, so this site is one to watch.

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