Metal dreams #2: Animosity

Photo by BubaSmith
Text by Cosmo Lee

Last night I dreamt that Leo from Animosity chainsawed to death an entire summer camp, except for me. He took the blade to, like, 60 people in 60 seconds. It was much cleaner than one would expect. In fact, there was no blood. It was like a paper cut, the kind where you look down and find a V-shaped divot in your finger, and you wonder how it got there. Except instead of fingers, these were necks, and the divots were rather large.

I’m a little hazy as to details and motivations, but I think Leo spared me because we were in cahoots. Or at least some implied endorsement was involved. Why else would I watch someone slice open 60 people in 60 seconds, and not lift a finger?

Anyway, something must have changed, because the scene switched to New York City, and I was hunting Leo. Hunting a guy who chainsawed 60 people to death in 60 seconds probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Then again, I’ve never been that bright. I eventually tracked him down in a bookstore. He was in the magazine section. For some reason, there was a big knife display behind it. (This must have been ’80s New York.) I and some girl broke the glass, busted out some knives, and turned Leo into a pincushion. The end.

Do you dream of metal?