
Martrod - 'Transmutation of Wounds'


Debut releases sometimes struggle to prove themselves worthy: does the songwriting develop naturally, does the album feel artistically expressed or mechanically arranged? Led by songwriter Alex Poole and featuring (ex-)members of Misþyrming, Aosoth, and Wormlust, Martröð’s Transmutation Of Wounds delivers some memorable raw black metal over its short 16-minute runtime. It definitely feels collaborative.

The Wormlust-esque discordance fortifies commonly relied-upon tremolo riffs. Ambiance offered by softer influences rounds the noise out. Not that discordance is unbearable, but it can easily wear thin when handled improperly. The album’s second and final track exists with a satisfying cascadian build-up, something you had to wait for, but not for so long.

-Andrew Rothmund

Transmutation Of Wounds is available now (for free) via Bandcamp. The MLP was offered at this year’s Prague Death Mass. Additional copies are expected shortly.