Magrudergrind - Self-Titled

Magrudergrind kick faces on this Willowtip debut, their second full-length. The 16 tracks of abrasive grind is a big swallow. Executing grit with force, Magrudergrind don’t sound like pimpled youth as on 2007’s Rehashed. These aren’t the same kiddies smashing blastbeats and freakouts every 20 seconds. Substance reels this trio into a meatier core. Drums, guitar, and vocals are equally strong, for which Magrudergrind thank Kurt Ballou and Scott Hull.

Assimilated Pollutants
Bridge Burner (excerpt)

The first seven tracks shred at full speed. No other is as breathless as “Assimilated Pollutants.” With relentless guitar and blastbeats, it might as well play in reverse. But Magrudergrind slow halfway at “Bridge Burner.” This riff throbs as thickly as death metal mongrels Entombed. Although cleaner in sound now, R.J. Ober’s guitar tones and tempos hint at death-n-roll. Plentiful sound clips supply comical relief, yet strengthen Magrudergrind’s political message. A politician “is nothing but a debater,” according to the screaming man in “The Price of Living By Delinquent Ideals.” Mildewed basements won’t be able to contain these pissed-off delinquents much longer.

– Jess Blumensheid

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Willowtip (CD)