
Iron Maiden shirt contest results

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Earlier this week I had you guys guess the price of the above vintage t-shirt I saw in a store on Melrose Avenue.

About 100 of you made guesses. Minus the lowest and highest ones (zero and $1M, respectively), the guesses averaged $128.60.

To quote a certain US President, you guys misunderestimated big.

Perhaps your guesses would have been more accurate had I shared more facts (props to the astute reader who noticed the wooden hangers):

1. The store, De La Barracuda, specialized in new clothing.
2. The shirt was in the store’s vintage section.
3. The store had a hair salon in the back.
4. The store had a motorcycle in the front as a decoration.
5. The store had a Shepherd Fairey mural on the outside.

Reader “ReallyGood@Wounding” won the contest by guessing the price exactly. (ReallyGood@Wounding, please email your name and address to invisibleoranges at gmail dot com.)

The price?

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— Cosmo Lee