Invisible Oranges turns 2

by Cosmo Lee

Invisible Oranges turns 2 tomorrow. This really isn’t a big deal, especially given that this site’s inspiration,, has been going in some form or another for 8 years. That boggles my mind. The headaches involved in running such a site are immense (Invisible Oranges is held together mostly by tape and hope). I’m amazed Andrew @ Aversionline hasn’t gone completely insane yet.

Judas Priest – Heavy Metal

Still, when I consider the thousands of hours I’ve put into IO, the countless distraught emails sent to tech support, the innumerable crappy albums endured in order to find good ones to feature, and the fact that this site has replaced anything resembling a “life” for me, I feel good about it. People seem to be reading (and caring). The addition of Jess Blumensheid has brought a fresh voice and much hipper taste to the site. It’s generally a place I want to visit.

So, how can the site improve? (“Suck less” is not helpful.) What features should be added or dropped? How can the site be better organized? In terms of coverage, what would you like to see more or less of? What have you liked or disliked? Should more writers contribute to the site? Would advertising ruin the experience? As Rob Halford sang 20 years ago, “Heavy Metal – what do you want?”

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