
Exclusive Stream: Thrawsunblat - “Borea (Pyre of a Thousand Pine)”

If you’re an Invisible Oranges reader, you probably like Woods of Ypres. Their haunting doom-laden black metal made them a force to be reckoned with in the scene, their career sadly ended by the death of rhythm guitarist/vocalist David Gold in 2011.

You might not, though, know of Thrawsunblat, former Woods guiarist Joel Violette’s main band. If Ypres was a little too gothy or plodding for you, Thrawsunblat is right up your alley—the band still maintains WoY’s sense of natural darkness and shadow while injecting the band’s sound with bombastic chants, anthemic guitar melodies, and a shitload of gallop. Now, three years since their Canada 2010 demo dropped, the band are self-releasing their debut full-length album, Thrawsunblat II: Wanderer on the Continent of Saplings.

Check out the streaming track below, “Borea (Pyre of a Thousand Pine).” Thrawsunblat II drops this Wednesday, March 13th. Pick it up and bask in the sap-sticky grandeur of arboreal black magic.

— Scab Casserole

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