Ensepulchred - The Night Our Rituals Blackened the Stars

Also on Autopsy Kitchen (2006) is The Night Our Rituals Blackened the Stars, by Indiana’s Ensepulchred. The song titles are similarly ridiculous: “Embrace Your Decaying Children and Weep”? “Along Paths Where the Infected Lurk”? They seem to have come from a black metal song title generator (1,2).

Beneath Frozen Fields

I really should hate a band like this, where most everything is fake. The drums come from a machine, and keyboards do the harmonic heavy lifting. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I hate (most) metal with keyboards. Big, church-y presets gum up the midrange here, and the guitar work is an afterthought, sounding like an electric shaver in the background.

But while this is far from my favorite music, I don’t hate it. This is because the melodies are often weird, like if haunted house music were actually twisted. The same keyboard preset gets old after a while, but I could see myself putting this on if I wanted to hear something a little off. This is essentially a very unhappy synth pop album disguised as black metal. You can find it at Autopsy Kitchen.

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