
Cash to burn, metal to hear, world to see

You’ve quit your job and have cash to burn.  What do you do?

For one reader, the answer is: “seeing great bands in as many different places around the world as possible”.

Moody, an Australian, began his journey last December. He has started a blog, Noise Road, to document his experience. (I would have called it something more metal, like “Heading out to the Highway” or “Highway Star” or “Midnight Highway” or… you get the idea.) Below is his itinerary so far, and links to his posts.

03/12/09 Taste of Chaos tour @ London, UK
Isis @ Antwerp, BE
Jesus Lizard @ Chicago, US
Napalm Death @ Wolverhampton, UK
Baroness @ London, UK
Dillinger Escape Plan @ Brussels, BE
Mastodon @ Manchester, UK
Cult of Luna @ Helsinki, FI
Cult of Luna @ Jyvaskyla, FI

Crazy, innit? That BE-US-UK jaunt blows my mind. (Hello, frequent flyer miles!) Moody’s blog combines two of my favorite interests, travel and metal. His posts are as much travelogues as they are concert reviews. He is a good writer with typically dry Commonwealth wit. I can’t wait for him to visit more locales (and to see less beard metal).

Since cash flow is evidently no problem, perhaps you guys can suggest places/bands for Moody to see in the next few months.

— Cosmo Lee
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