Besieged Violence Beyond All Reason

Death-Thrashers Besieged Unleash "Violence Beyond All Reason" (Early Album Stream)

One might look at the album art for Violence Beyond All Reason and, perhaps, have doubts that the album is possibly more violent than what’s on display–a twisted little being pulling intestines out of a man like silk scarves from a magician’s sleeve. But Canadian death-thrashers Besieged manage to surpass it, easily–their sophomore album, which carries on the naming conventions and momentum established on their debut Victims Beyond All Help, delivers incredibly energetic and chaotic extreme metal. It’s not uncommon for albums to feel like they bounce, groove, or are otherwise in motion, but Violence Beyond All Reason doesn’t bounce as much as it churns through hordes of innocent bystanders. Buckle up and stream the whole thing here before it releases next week.

The band pulls off complex, tight riffs with ease throughout the record, but what’s more impressive is their ability to change direction in an instant, stopping and starting with machine precision. In terms of runtime, Violence Beyond All Reason is actually pretty short–but there’s at least two ‘normal’ thrash albums’ worth of riffs jammed into this pocket-sized shredder. This rapid-fire pace doesn’t seem to limit their creativity, either-there’s a lot of interesting technical riffs and wild solos mixed into the pummeling that play around with rhythm and unusual melodic modes. If there’s any good reason to take a break from headbanging to this, besides giving your neck a break, it might be just to appreciate the sick chops that the trio bring to the table.

Besieged provide a mix of death and thrash metal that’s hard to beat–thrash’s infectious excitement and blunt approach to songwriting with a fresh coat of death metal’s blood and guts. Let this ultra-violent display clear some of the obstacles between you and your weekend.

Violence Beyond All Reason releases June 6th via Unspeakable Axe Records.

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