Age of Evil - Living a Sick Dream

Arizona’s Age of Evil remind me of Trivium, not in sound (AoE play a blend of thrash and traditional heavy metal) but in precocity. They comprise two pairs of brothers, ranging from 18 down to 15 years old (!), and they exhibit what Trivium had, at least on their first record: jaw-dropping chops, catchy songs, horrible lyrics, and competent, not quite developed, vocals.

Land of Yours
Glimpse of Light

Living a Sick Dream (self-released, 2007) in no way betrays the band’s youth (well, aside from the lyrics). Some of the more technical thrash brings to mind Marty Friedman-era Megadeth and Nevermore, which are definitely not vibes most 15 year-olds can evoke. The band even got Friedman himself to contribute a guest solo and liner notes – but that’s just icing, really. The guitar work is ripping; the solos have exquisite melodies and gorgeous architecture.

If they work on their lyrics and vocals, this group will go places. These teenagers are already schooling musicians twice their ages. I’m surprised labels aren’t knocking down their door yet. This debut is available physically and digitally from the band’s webstore.