
Convocation Crafts Funeral Doom Between the Living and the Dead (Early Track Premiere)

It is said that the veil between the living world and the beyond is at its thinnest today: Halloween (or All Hallow's Eve, or even Samhain). Specters and ghouls alike are to walk the Earth among us with a lugubrious gait and a lurking terror in their eyes. What better way to celebrate the annual unification of life and death than with… funeral doom! Finnish funeral doom duo Convocation, which boasts members of Pestilent Hex, Desolate Shrine, Waste of Space Orchestra, Sum of R, and more, embody this idea of new spectral life on their upcoming third album No Dawn for the Caliginous Night. Slow, of course, but also mammoth and overwhelming, Convocation's ethereal-and-mighty doom sounds tread a middle ground between  life's triumph and death's inevitability. On the album's second single, "Lepers And Derelicts," Convocation's subterranean and darker-than-pitch plod never goes beyond a half-speed pummel, instead opting for funeral doom's signature march to the grave, never stopping until we reach the certainty of the grave itself. It's beautiful, it's harrowing–it's alive, it's dead. Convocation's latest single is many things, but, most importantly, it's great. Listen to (and watch) "Lepers And Derelicts" below.

No Dawn for the Caliginous Night releases November 24th via Everlasting Spew Records.

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