Violent Sin

Violent Sin Strike Fast on "Serpent's Call" (Early Album Stream)

There’s a certain strain of aggressive, 1980s-obsessed, traditionally-inclined metal that really toes the line between speed metal and thrash that has been on the uptick in recent years.High pitched, frantic vocals with a fair amount of reverb, piercing shrieks, and promotional pictures featuring studs and chains are the name of the game. Bands like Vulture, Bütcher, and Belgium’s Violent Sin are the latest invaders seeking to smash in skulls with their take on this energetic assault.

The songs on Violent Sin’s debut album Serpent’s Call are not largely not trying to present a nuanced, gentle introduction to heavy metal for a Johnny-come-lately stumbling into their first metal album but rather aiming to give a rallying call to like-minded maniacs, shredding through 11 songs in 36 minutes, each one only slowing down enough to give some impact to the next rager.

Give it a full listen below, and read what the band has to say about it.

That ‘80’s feeling and evilness is right there in Serpent’s Call and screams to be released,” the band say. “Buy the album, and crank it at max volume right now!

Original Sin releases May 26th via Dying Victims Productions.

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