Thulsa Doom - A Fate Worse Than Death

Thulsa Doom Unseals the "Tomb of the Serpent Cult," and Infernal Death Metal Spews Forth (Early Track Stream)

Death metal may be capable of vile, disgusting sounds and mind-boggling technical displays, but there is something refreshing about bands that stick to the original, heavier-than-thrash metal energy of the genre. Using the term ‘old school’ to refer to bands like Italy’s Thulsa Doom doesn’t even really cover it—rather than buying up HM-2s and dialing in meat-and-potatoes death metal, Thulsa Doom takes a step further back and bases their sound in the swirling chaos of the genre’s first emergence. Synthesis, not basic imitation: their debut record A Fate Worse Than Death yokes elements of thrash and doom metal under a unifying, unmistakable banner: the grim sigil of death metal.

Where A Fate Worse Than Death does separate itself from the past is in its concept, an esoteric rendering of fantasy-inspired darkness that helps spark one’s imagination rather than rehash overused tropes. One such example: “Tomb of the Serpent Cult,” in which serpentine riffs and twisted melodies evoke a dingy barrow ripe for occult happenings–listen below.

A Fate Worse Than Death releases September 30th via Invictus Productions.

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