Still/Form From the Rot is a Gift

Still/Form's Antagonistic Noise Rock Drips With Venom on "God Will Understand Why You're Horny for Kids" (Early Track + Video Stream)

Honestly, the song title should key readers into the heart of the matter: Portland noise rockers Still/Form are not looking to make nice music. Their upcoming album From the Rot is a Gift takes a sardonic hacksaw to uncomfortable topics, with supremely weird guitar and bass tones serving as the rusty blades. The surprising but satisfying thing here is that the result — a malignant, misformed lump of noise — is also impressively massive. Each part of the whole — the hoarse, mocking vocals, the battering drums, and the erratic instrumental attack — are discordant and jarring on their own, but combine into powerful, melodic movements together. At points, it’s almost like someone dragged elegant post-metal through a toxic waste landfill.

On “God Will Understand Why You’re Horny for Kids,” which we’re premiering below, the band’s push-pull dynamic between sadistic quiet and crushing noise is in peak form, with towering walls of noise helping to put a sound to that particular anxious feeling the song title and lyrics evoke. As with the rest of the album, the band’s songwriting and careful approach to tonecrafting add a dramatic darkness on top of all the rancor that makes the song that much more of a gut punch.

Hit the bandcamp stream or check out the video below:

Guitarist/vocalist Robert Komets comments:

I think the title of this one kind of explains what this song is about. I can’t remember exactly what sparked this one at the time of writing the song, but I do remember the lyrics just flowed out of me, almost effortlessly. Maybe the topic came to me after I watched the movie ‘Spotlight’? It’s absolutely terrible what happened, and extremely disturbing…….and I just *had* to write something about it. The direction with this one was to be extremely descriptive, but with dark humor. Anyway, maybe celibacy isn’t such a good fucking idea for these horny, predatory priests……..

From the Rot is a Gift releases August 19th via Hex Records.

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