Intoxicated - Watch You Burn

Intoxicated's Vicious Crossover Thrash Refuses to "Grovel" (Early Track Stream)

The summer comes, and with it comes music made from fire and fury. Leave aside winter’s bitter detachment and spring’s progressive musings–it’s time to embrace metal made for destruction, chaos, and slamming beers in a pre-show parking lot under the scorching sun. Florida’s Intoxicated welcomes the change of the seasons with their second full-length Watch You Burn, a riotous volume of crossover thrash that lurches over into metal violently enough to plunge into old-school death metal while they’re at it. This is red-hot heaviness, clearly unconcerned with what genres might be involved and instead prioritizing crafting absolute rippers with no fat or filler. Each song on the album is a scorching exercise in to-the-point songwriting, and “Grovel,” which we’re premiering today, is no exception. Stream it below:

At just a hair shy of two and a half minutes long, “Grovel” packs excitement into every frantic second. Swirling guitar mayhem starts things off, with the song moving into old-school death metal-esque verses and even tossing in a few slick little solos to liven up the bridges. The song’s message is clear and delivered with cutthroat efficiency: grovel for nothing.

The band comments:

“Grovel” was written for the pissed independents of our society. A lot of the lyrics for this album were written during the shut downs and the words just flowed. Stay vigilant, stay close to music, stay in the shadows. Earn your own fucking keep, be an asset to your friends and family, charge at everything you do like it’s your last chance. Last but not least, never bow down for something you already possess or have a right to. We choose to die on our feet rather than grovel on our knees.

Watch You Burn releases June 24th via Seeing Red Records.

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