Upcoming Metal Releases

Upcoming Metal Releases: 9/19/2021-9/25/2021

Here are the new (and recent) metal releases for the week of September 19th, 2021 to September 25th, 2021. Releases reflect proposed North American scheduling, if available. Expect to see most of these albums on shelves or distros on Fridays.

See something we missed or have any thoughts? Let us know in the comments. Plus, as always, feel free to post your own shopping lists. Happy digging.

Send us your promos (streaming links preferred) to: [email protected]. Do not send us promo material via social media.

Upcoming Releases

Unto OthersStrength | Roadrunner Records | Heavy Metal +Gothic Rock | United States (Portland, OR)

Portland heavy metal act Unto Others, formerly known as Idle Hands, leans even further into their gothic, dramatic nature on their second full length. Honestly? It’s possibly too corny at this point, but the riffs and atmosphere do nail down the vibe, so maybe I’ll find a way to get past the choruses.

–Ted Nubel

Rivers of NihilThe Work | Metal Blade Records | Progressive + Technical Death Metal | United States

Is nu-metal on the come up again? Is that a conversation that needs to be had every time a band turns up their bass and obscures their mixing? Was it wise for Rivers of Nihil to trade in gerontologic metaphors for capitalistic critiques? Tons of questions here, but only one answer that matters; there will be sax.

–Colin Dempsey

The Body + BIG|BRAVELeaving None But Small Birds | Thrill Jockey Records | Folk + Rock + Experimental | United States

The Body continue their streak as the most open-minded metal act. This release is a gothic western collaboration with post-metal trio Big Brave. It’s tamer than most of their work (which only spirals into deeper realms of insanity), but the folk approach compliments Robin Wattie’s vocals.

–Colin Dempsey

SkepticismCompanion | Svart Records | Funeral Doom + Death Metal | Finland

It’s obvious that these Finnish funeral doom veterans get funeral doom. Their next album is cavernous yet propulsive. Companion is made regal by the blaring keys, while Matti Tilaeus’ grimacing vocals impose a necessary danger.

–Colin Dempsey

SuccumbXXI | The Flenser | Death Metal | United States (San Francisco, CA)

From Tom Campagna’s track premiere of “Graal”:

San Francisco death metal quartet Succumb are back, following up on their self-titled debut album from way back in 2017. Succumb was a death metal album with doom dirges and showed excellent promise for what was to follow, even with just over half an hour of proper material under their respective belts. The properly titled XXI comes to us as a continuation of what made their debut so easily digestible, providing everything one could want in a small and crushing package: Derek Webster’s guitars and Harry Cantwell’s drums lay the foundation for vocalists Cheri Musrasrik and Kirk Spaseff to trade verbal blows within the confines of each song.

Note: The IO staff collectively digs this record, so expect more on it soon!

WraithUndo the Chains | Redefining Darkness Records | Thrash + Speed + Black Metal | United States

From Ted Nubel’s track premiere of “Cloaked in Black”:

Revelling in both catchy, punky riffs and tight chugs, Wraith’s fast-paced assault is coated with a menacing layer of grime, more life-choking than ever despite the roomier mix. This kind of music can often start to blur together, especially on discography runs, but speedy song times and sing/yell-along choruses help here to mentally separate the reckless d-beat riffs.

Ars MoriendiLe silence déraisonnable du ciel | Archaic Sound | Atmospheric + Progressive Black Metal | France

If you’ve ever heard a band and wondered, “Where has this sound been all my life?” then you’re familiar with the feeling Ars Moriendi instilled in me. It’s progressive, cinematic black metal with folk interludes, industrial spatters, and fluid compositions wherein every component is a necessity. It’s possible I’m underselling it, but with music this good and this vast, it’s tough to cover everything it does so well.

–Colin Dempsey

DeadyellowDeadyellow | Independent | Post-Black Metal | United States

Post-black metal is a jack-in-the-box of a genre. You never know if you’re gonna hear something owing to shoegaze, like Møl, or an industrial-tinged take like Altar of Plagues. Deadyellow surprises with their punky interpretation of black metal. They’re not quite crust punk, nor are they screamo, but they take the energy of both with shots of black metal.

–Colin Dempsey

RyghärThurmecia Eternal | Rafchild Records | Epic Heavy Metal | United States

Like with a lot of underground American traditional metal, the riffs and energy here are top-notch. Let the vocals sink in a bit to see if you dig them or not—I think they do match pretty well with the rough-riding epic atmosphere of the album.

–Ted Nubel

AorlhacPierres brûlées | Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions | Black Metal | France

Classic, raging black metal with great riffs and great atmosphere.

–Ted Nubel

Bestial PutrefactionEternal Flesh Ripping Chaos | Sentient Ruin | Black + Death Metal | Canada (Toronto, ON)

I heard this described as ‘wargore’ elsewhere, and damn if that doesn’t sum it up – 26 noisy tracks crammed into just under 29 minutes where I can’t make out a single riff, or really anything, but it’s furious and relentless nonetheless.

–Ted Nubel

CognizanceUpheaval | Prosthetic Records | Technical + Melodic Death Metal | United Kingdom

Technical death metal devoted to intricate riffs and melodic leads, but the riffs are chunky—thankfully, this isn’t an album that’s trying to one-up everything else out there in a battle of needless speed or notes-per-minute. Constantly shifting modes and changing tempos as they dash between riffs, Cognizance’s sound is as hideously fascinating as the mutated oddities on its album art.

–Ted Nubel

Dawn of a Dark AgeLe Forche Caudine | Antiq Records | Atmospheric + Experimental Black Metal | Italy

Black metal with strings—pretty common. Strings and clarinet? Not so much. The clarinet acts as much more than a gimmick here, adding morose lead lines to the driving, riff-heavy black metal.

Check out our full premiere here.

–Ted Nubel

SerotoninFracture | Narcoleptica Productions | Black + Death Metal | Netherlands

Black metal sprinkled with a lil’ bit of death metal for extra devastation here and there; the album art may be minimalist but lead single “Graue Hölle” comes resplendent with layered guitars, demented screams overlapping into anti-harmonies, and a general sense of impending madness.

–Ted Nubel

TentationLe berceau des dieux | Gates of Hell Records | Heavy Metal | France

Simply unstoppable heavy metal with slicing riffs, d-beats, and reverb-packed clean vocals that contrast delightfully with the sleazy instrumentals: it’s hard not to feel the energy that runs through this record. Extremely tasteful synths and theatrical elements are just that extra cherry on top.

–Ted Nubel

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