Celestial Sanctuary Soul Dimished

Celestial Sanctuary Will "Rid The Gormless" Of Their Guts (Early Track + Video Stream)

Celestial Sanctuary made some pretty big waves right off the bat with their 2019 two-song demo Mass Extinction, which has since sold out numerous cassette runs (and even a CD run). Now the band is turning their rotting eye towards their upcoming full-length Soul Diminished, whose single “Rid The Gormless” we’re premiering right now.

“Rid The Gormless” feels like the bastard child of both Tomb Mold and Gatecreeper, and with grandparents Bolt Thrower out of the picture, it has developed a filthy personality all its own. Not quite reverbed-out “caveman death metal,” but certainly not unsophisticated in its writing, “Rid The Gormless” is a beast unto itself who simply runs its victims down and bludgeons them until they resemble more of a paste. So, exactly what you’d want in your death metal.

“Rid The Gormless” comes paired with a music video shot and edited by the band at The Noise Cabin in Cambridgeshire. Much like its music, the video seeks always seems to be in your face and constantly moving, always keeping you on your toes. Waiting for you to trip up, if only for a moment. Then comes the blunt force.

Soul Diminished releases March 26th on Church Road Records (UK/EU) and Redefining Darkness Records (USA).

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