Svederna - Hard

The Razor-Sharp Rapture of Svederna's "Skuld Och Vita Knogar" (Track Premiere)

Wasting no time and leading in with a throat-ripping scream, “Skuld Och Vita Knogar” makes the appeal of Sweden’s Svederna immediately clear: wintry black metal with ancient tradition embedded into its rough-hewn core. On their upcoming album Härd, the band captures the stark tones and impact of early black metal, refocusing that rawness into a vehicle for weaving moments of snowblind wonder into their undeniable form of black metal. Stream “Skuld Och Vita Knogar” now and get a taste for the combination:

The song’s dramatic tremolo-picked melodies create a sense of near-bursting denseness, so much that any interruption feels like a too-sudden depressurization. As you’re reeling from the musical equivalent of the bends, Svederna uses these moments to define new melodies in crystal clarity before dropping you back into the depths and resuming the blast beat therapy. Cast in exceedingly sharp tones and vividly rendered, “Skuld Och Vita Knogar” is a reminder of how hard black metal can hit without sacrificing expressiveness.

Härd releases August 28th via Carnal Records.

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