death courier

Delivering the Word: Death Courier's "Pillars of Murk" Echoes Total Demise

death courier

Straight to the point: Death Courier‘s upcoming Necrotic Verses comprises prime-as-fuck death metal, and few bands in this ilk can match this level of mastery.

The band, importantly, has a storied history reaching back more than 30 years with a slew of late-1980s demos that culminated in a 1992 debut full-length. Shortly thereafter, bassist and vocalist Billy Soulas put the project on hold until a resurrection almost two decades later — we received a second full-length in 2013, but even that album’s hefty punch cannot set back the looming shadow of Necrotic Verses. The album delivers precise, gnarly, and beastly death metal without pretense and without overblowing it.

You might be thinking: “oh, old-school death metal by veteran players, it’ll be good but more of the same,” and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. You’d just be missing a bigger point: Necrotic Verses is absolutely to-date, and not just because death metal is in vogue, but because the sharp cut of Death Courier’s style slices through any OSDM overgrowth which may have existed. Get a taste for yourself; we’re pleased to stream the album’s sixth song “Pillars of Murk” exclusively below:

Necrotic Verses releases June 5th via Transcending Obscurity Records.

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