
A Doomy, Rocking Blend: The Sabbathian's "Liti Kjersti"


Where blackened doom and occult rock intersect is an interesting place indeed, and international outfit The Sabbathian plan to bring forth Latum Alterum later this month, their debut full-length entry into the scene. What you get: methodical but rocky pacing, sordid lows (which seem to always get ever-lower), fuzzed-out distortion, and the enchanting clean vocals of singer Anette Uvaas Gulbrandsen. What you don’t get: filler or facade. Check out an exclusive stream of the album’s third track “Liti Kjersti” below.

Certainly, the vocals/music juxtaposition jumps out first and foremost, but sinking deeper into the album, listeners will be rewarded with especially dark atmospherics that help characterize both the purposefully droning nature of the guitars and Gulbrandsen’s eerie echoes. As for “Liti Kjersti” specifically, the song adopts an aptly straightforward one-main-riff strategy which really turns the spotlight onto Gulbrandsen, but also cedes way for the drumming and bass to serve as more than just mere structural elements. This delicate balance results in a sensationally listenable and digestible album despite its stark emotional message.

Latum Alterum releases January 25th via Svart Records.

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