The Secret - Lux Tenebris

The Secret Break Their Silence On "Lux Tenebris"

While I lived in Chicago, I worked at a restaurant where the kitchen staff would put out food at lunch for the rest of the staff. The spread would consist of mac & cheese, salads, sandwich materials, corndogs, the occasional taco Tuesday, etc. Nothing fancy. Since the kitchen staff often had more important things to worry about, like keeping the paying customers happy, and since the restaurant was eager to cut costs where it could, the food given to the employees was often of dubious quality. The one thing that could be relied on was the fried chicken. Come hell or high water, the fried chicken always tasted exactly as it should have.

I’ve come to regard the metallic hardcore of the early ’10s commonly known as “Entombedcore” as the musical equivalent of that fried chicken, not just because the crackled tone of an HM-2 pedal through an Orange amp resembles the texture of fried skin, but because it reliably hits the spot for me every time. Even the blandest bands in this style routinely get spins from me, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the acts that add their own special seasoning to the mix. For Italians The Secret‘s last two albums, that seasoning was the eerie minor-key harmonies of black metal, and on their new Lux Tenebris EP it has become the dominant flavor. Stream the new EP below.

The three songs on Lux Tenebris are the first from the band since 2012’s Agnus Dei and as such they serve as more of a reintroduction to The Secret than a continuation of their previous releases. Confidant that their fans will be willing to wait another five minutes before they truly commence the punishment, The Secret spend the EP’s first track building a mood. The increased attention to atmosphere and dynamics pays off, because once the band turn up the heat on “The Sorrowful Void” the temperature never drops again. The Secret are a more patient band in 2018, but only in their willingness to let parts develop at a steadier pace. If anything, their raw speed has increased. They now have the endurance and force to blast alongside the best of them. This might be a let down for those who wanted The Secret to d-beat their ears into oblivion, but rest assured that this invigorating collection still tastes like chicken.

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