The Auditory Nightmare of Sect Pig's "Crooked Backs"


I was always taught that metal was some horrific nightmare, the music of death and hallucinatory madness. It’s an off-putting description, and definitely the result of Tipper Gore’s PMRC (among other things), sure, but that is what piqued my interest in extreme music in the first place. Most of what scared Tipper Gore was goofy, fun music which was meant to fuel a good party or a solid game of D&D (wizards are pretty cool). Music can evoke so many emotions, but what about the adrenaline-fueled dread and fear of watching something awful happen? I found little which filled me with that kind of negativity over the years, instead finding music which was triumphant, dark, or even sad. Where was the horror about which I was warned when I was so young? So many years later, there are few which exemplify it.

The anonymous Sect Pig‘s limited output is… frightening. Frightening in the same way one might associate with watching an interview with serial killer Israel Keyes or listening to voice messages left by the Original Night Stalker. The band’s third release, the 16+ minute sound anthology Crooked Backs, is the music of incoherent, psychotic thought and violent outbursts. Connected to the “war metal” style on at least a surface level, Sect Pig’s own madness veers into unexpectedly noisy, psychedelic territory, something hallucinogenic and horrifying all its own. Much like the releases which precede it, Sect Pig finds itself standing alone among its potential peers, avoiding the rote definitions of black metal, death metal, industrial, and noise, favoring the act of grinding its range of influence into absurdity and hysteria. It is a truly harrowing listen, the culmination of a years-long search for a falsely-advertised terror and confusion.

Crooked Backs is out on CD now via Nuclear War Now! Productions. Listen to the full EP streaming exclusively below.

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